Freedom of Information: Now or Never?

Freedom of Information

(I made this article for The Davao Wave in the year 2013 so some information might be outdated.)

With the negative issues and controversies that befell our government these past few months, every Filipino, rich or poor, young or old, deserves the right to know the truth of the matters.

The conception of this House Bill known as Freedom of Information Bill would give the public access to government records and somehow efface the doubts of the people on our government especially on anomalies that involve money. (Source: GMA News)

So, the confirmation made by Sen. Mary Grace Poe – Llamanzares, head of the committee on public information, is a good news to the Filipino people. The ordinary Juan would get the chance to know every significant affair of our government and where the funds go.

The bill also exempts and guards information pertaining to national security, bargaining position of the country, and anything that would harm criminal investigations. A proof that this will not be abused, so to speak.

Everyone expects expeditious process that will finally enact this bill into law. With P-Noy’s daang matuwid campaign, many Filipinos will become interested in helping him monitor possible avenues of corruption and hopefully solve it.

This is a boon to the whole populace and a bane to the corrupt officials in the government. With them knowing that we have knowledge on how they fare in the government, they will surely think twice before they pocket the people’s money. So if this happens, they would make projects that benefit our fellowmen instead.

Favorably, the citizens would be able to voice out their opinions more. They will be able to actively participate and become stakeholders in the government. Truly, that when one is involved, he can suggest how to make something better.

Ergo, this bill is indeed long overdue, so we should tarry no more. It must be implemented because it is like a ray of light illuminating the dark side in our government. Senators have approved it and hope the congressmen and the President will do the same, now or never.

About Lean Raphael

I'm a fourth year student studying in Davao City National High School under the Special Program in Journalism. I'll be posting stuff that I find interesting. View all posts by Lean Raphael

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